Unusual Things To Do In Rhode Island

by | Jan 4, 2023 | Rhode Island Travel | 0 comments

They say that the biggest things come in the small packages. That may very well be the case when it comes to Rhode Island as the smallest state in the country. But the place certainly packs a ton of amazing travel finds and memorable experiences. Don’t let its size fool you though. Rhode Island’s nickname is a reference to the large bays and inlets. These are a part of what makes the state truly worth the visit. Aside from their museums, there are tons of unusual things to do in Rhode Island. There is surely something for everyone to enjoy.

How to Get To Rhode Island

You have very limited options when traveling to Rhode Island. Luckily, these options are easily accessible. The first is the Theodore Francis Green State Airport which is a public international airport located in Warwick. This serves many major U.S. airlines and can you to Rhode Island from various U.S. cities such as Dallas, New York, Miami, and more. It also serves trips to and from Canada via the Toronto Airport. 

If you are coming from other international destinations, then your best bet is via Boston’s Logan International Airport. From this airport, you can get to downtown Providence, Rhode Island with a 1 hour and 30-minute drive. There are also buses and taxis available at the airport for your convenience.

Alternatively, you can take Amtrak to get to Rhode Island. There are three train stations in Rhode Island, and they are in Providence, Kingston, and Westerley. If you are hoping to get to the main city and attractions in Rhode Island, then be sure to book a train that gets you to the Providence station.

Getting Around Rhode Island

The state of Rhode Island is very small so if you want to visit the state through and through, we recommend renting a car is your best option. Ride-sharing services are also available, but they are limited to Warwick and Providence only. If you are going to focus your trip on these major cities, then your best option might be to take these instead. Alternatively, there are cabs readily available in the cities in Rhode Island, and they are fast and convenient ways to get around as well.

You can also opt to walk around the cities as well. Rhode Island’s streets are civilian and biker friendly so a brisk walk around the state’s top cities will be a breeze as well. As for public transportation, the Rhode Island Public Transportation Authority offers quality bus rides in Providence at the Kennedy Plaza.

Best Time to Visit Rhode Island

We’re breaking down this best time to visit guide into Providence and Warwick, the two biggest cities in Rhode Island. In Providence, the best time to visit is during summer, most particularly, from June to August. During this month, the event calendar of Providence is filled with key events such as Water Fire, Rhode Island Pride Fest and Parade, Federal Hill Stroll, Festival of Historic Houses, Eat Drink RI, Providence Restaurant Week, AS220 Foo Fest, and Flickers: Rhode Island International Film Festival.

The best time to visit Newport, on the other hand, is during autumn or from September to November. The fall foliage is very picturesque during this time. However, this is peak season in Newport so expect higher room rates and congested streets as well. If you want to avoid cheaper rooms at the very least, visit during September as tourists are yet to fully arrive at this time.

Unusual Things to do in Rhode Island

Rhode Island may be known as the smallest state in size in the US, but it still sure is worth visiting. While it is small, you will still be able to enjoy countless activities. No matter what your age is and kind of travel experience you’re looking for, Rhode Island has everything. There is also no shortage of weird and unusual things to do in Rhode Island. In fact, you might not be able to try or see them all in one day. But in case you want to try some of them, here’s a rundown of the weird and unusual things to do in Rhode Island that we highly recommend.

Explore a 19th-century library

Exploring a centuries-old library, called the Providence Athenaeum (named after the Greek goddess Athena), is also one of the weird and cool things to do in Rhode Island. But this isn’t your ordinary library. Aside from the fact that it is a centuries-old library, it is also worth visiting because it is where you can find gems or rare books including the 1855 edition of Leaves of grass that even contains notes in Walt Whitman’s own handwriting, a 1830s astronomy book, and a Regency-era book of boys’ entertainment, to name a few. On top of that, the library also holds musical events, parties, speaking events, and old-fashioned salons. So whether you are a bookworm or a party animal, we’re sure you’ll love this place so don’t miss it.

Spot unicorns

Yes, you can get to see unicorns and other green animals and it’s one of the weird and cool things to do in Rhode Island. A unicorn and green animals, you say? Well, sort of. Apparently, the state has Green Animals Topiary Garden that’s filled with shrubs and trees shaped like animals and other fantastic imaginary figures like unicorns. In addition to that, the place also has nice flowers and ponds that will surely fill your eyes with good views of nature. On top of that, the place has a tranquil atmosphere that is perfect for when you just want to relax you after a long day of exploring the attractions that the state has to offer. And of course, the place is Instagram worthy too so don’t forget to snap photos as much as you want for that perfect post.

Go sightseeing at the Fort Wetherill

Rhode Island has good sightseeing spots to offer too. One of which is the Fort Wetherill and visiting it is one of the weird and cool things to do in Rhode Island. What makes it a unique experience is that this place, that was once a heavily armed and one of the best lines of defense for the coast of New England, now serves as one of the top places in the state that offers recreational activities, especially during summer. Also, its great walls are now filled with graffiti that also makes a good backdrop for your Instagram photos. However, many areas are fenced off. Still, visiting it will make your Rhode Island visit all the more fun and memorable.

Marvel at a gun totem

Most totems are often composed of animals and other images of spirit guides. But Rhode Island has a different version of it – a gun totem – and seeing it is one of the weird and cool things to do in Rhode Island. Made by artist Boris Bally in 2001, this totem, as its name suggests, has more than 1,000 used guns disabled and fossilized beneath a steel concrete that stands 12 feet high in front of Providence’s Federal Courthouse. It’s a unique structure that you must see so don’t forget to add this to your travel itinerary for Rhode Island as well.

Investigate the Newport Tower

Rhode Island also has its mysterious side. One of which is the Newport Tower and visiting it is one of the weird and cool things to do in Rhode Island. This is because aside from its structure, that simply appears a stone platform supported on a cylinder of tall arches, the date of its construction as well as who built it remains debated today. Scientific evidence says that it was built sometime in the 1600s. However, some believe that Newport Tower was a relic in the 1800s.

Explore the Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health

You don’t always find a safe place for anything related to sex and sexuality. But, Rhode Island has it and visiting it is one of the weird and cool things to do in Rhode Island that we highly suggest for the curious, for those who want to learn, and even for visitors who want to receive personal consultations and therapies. Here, you can find sex toys and even the largest handmade vulva door frame in America. But this place isn’t just that as it also has educational materials in its library that will surely fill you with more knowledge and understanding about everything related to sex and sexuality. What’s even better is that you can even stop by if you want to receive personal consultations and therapy. It’s probably not for the whole family, though. But a visit to this place will surely make your travel experience even better.

See the Point Judith Lighthouse

The Point Judith Lighthouse is also not to be missed. Known as the “Graveyard of the Atlantic,” this place has witnessed a lot of significant events in the past. This beautiful tall and rugged landmark even witnessed Adolf Hitler’s successor, Admiral Donitz ended World War II. But the stories of the past that it holds aren’t the only things that make Point Judith Lighthouse worth visiting. Rather, its structure is a sight to behold too, as well as the views that it has to offer. While visitors are only allowed to marvel at the lighthouse’s beauty from the outside, you can still enjoy it as aside from the beauty that the lighthouse has, you can also enjoy the views from where it stands. In fact, many visitors say that this place offers a nice backdrop for pictures, especially as the sun sets.

Become a lighthouse keeper

Another lighthouse that’s not to be missed is the Rose Island Lighthouse. Unlike the Point Judith Lighthouse, this place welcomes its visitors with open hands more. In fact, you can even book a night (or even a week!) in the Rose Island lighthouse. Here, you can get to see remnants of Revolutionary War bastions up close, as well as the hauntingly mysterious bunkers and the weathered and worn skeleton of a Naval torpedo. On top of that, the views from this place are breathtaking as well. It is also a refuge for many shoreline birds, and it offers a great spot to see herons, sandpipers, egrets, seagulls, and Canadian geese.

Visit the library of dead things

If you’re really up for the quirkiest activity, don’t miss out adding Rhode Island School of Design’s Edna Lawrence Nature Lab to your list of weird and cool things to do in Rhode Island. This is because this is not your ordinary library. Here, you will not just find a vast collection of books displayed on the shelves, but you will also get to see dead things – from dried plant specimens from all over the world to vintage taxidermy animals. There are also glass cabinets filled with bones and skulls of different animals such as bears, cats, lions, wolves, and even gigantic whale bones. There are articulated human skeletons on display too. The place also has a collection of live animals like an axolotl, jellyfish, seahorses, Peruvian Tegus, and a corn snake, to name a few and all are well cared for by the students and faculty.

Have Fun Doing Unsual Things in Rhode Island

Rhode Island is a great place to have fun doing unusual things. There are many interesting and unique places to visit, and the people are friendly and welcoming. There are also many different activities to do, so you can always find something new to do. Whether you want to go hiking in the woods, or explore a historic town, Rhode Island has something for everyone.

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